Meanwhile, apart from all these things, one of the most important doubts that are hitting the consumers is “what will now happen with the OnePlus?” As it is also a Chinese manufacturer, so, will they end up following in Huawei’s footsteps? To know the answer keep reading.

After Huawei, OnePlus Is The NEXT To Get BANNED?

Recently, the tech giant Google has banned the world’s second-largest smartphone manufacturer Huawei to use the world’s most used mobile operating system, Android, and its services, so, it is one of the biggest news of the year. But, the fact is that only time will let us know what the consequences will be. As the well-known Chinese giant, Huawei has so far stated that it will continue to provide updates (which will be based on basic security updates, not on systems or services) to its devices and after-sales service. Meanwhile, apart from all these things, one of the most important doubts that is hitting the consumers is “what will now happen with the OnePlus?” As it is also a Chinese manufacturer, so, will they end up following in Huawei’s footsteps? To know the answer keep reading. There is a substantial difference between Huawei and OnePlus, as the main business of the well-known Chinese smartphone maker Huawei is not the marketing of smartphones, as it also has other business, it is the deployment of telecommunications infrastructure, and in the middle of the 5G career, it seems that the United States belief of spying intentions of Huawei is a powerful argument and reason to blacklist it, about which Huawei always have denied. Apart from the telecommunications infrastructure business, the US government has also stated that the Chinese giant Huawei is one of the well-known smartphone manufacturer, who doesn’t use any chip of the American companies, as, it manufacturer its own chips for its smartphones. Hence, the US government has stated that while Huawei doesn’t use the chips of American companies, then it is possible that Huawei may hide something dangerous in its chips that could simply act as a security risk for the country. While in the case of OnePlus the well-known flagship maker, OnePlus uses the chips of the well-known American giant chip maker Qualcomm, hence, the US govt. believes that OnePlus will not be able to put anything dangerous that could act as a security risk for the country. Basically, the United States feared to give control of the telecommunications infrastructure to the Chinese companies simply to avoid security risks. Moreover, the absence of other manufacturers in this business may explain why they are currently unharmed by this trade war, although the well-known Chinese smartphone maker Huawei was also accused of being able to collaborate with the surveillance plot through its own devices and advised allied countries not to use their products. Even according to an exclusive report of the well-known media portal, Reuters in January of this year 2019, has revealed relations between the Chinese giant Huawei, Iran, and Syria, which is a dangerous line for the interests of the United States.

In short, now if you will ask that “OnePlus is the next to get banned?”, then the answer is undoubted “NO“. Hence, if you have any OnePlus device then you don’t have to worry about this issue, as it will not harm OnePlus or any other Chinese smartphone manufacturers. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below. And if you liked this post then simply do not forget to share this post with your friends and family.