Security researchers at Avast have recorded over 57,000 detections of WanaCryptor 2.0 ransomware in 99 countries. Let me tell you, after the attack, the ransom being demanded is $300 worth of bitcoins. Just now we have also seen Reserve Bank of India has shut down some ATMs all over the India as a preventive measure against the ransomware and had also asked banks to put in place a software update at ATMs. Well, we just found a low-quality video of the ransomware in action. The video shows a machine on the left infected with the MS17-010 worm, spreading WannaCry ransomware to a machine on the right in real time. Here’s the video uploaded by Hacker Fantastic on Twitter:

— Hacker Fantastic (@hackerfantastic) May 13, 2017 Recently a 22-year-old researcher from @Malware TechBlog had discovered a ‘kill switch’ that can disable all the functionality of the Wanacrypt0r 2.0 ransomware. The ransomware attempts to connect to an unregistered domain after operating on victim’s computer. If the connection takes place successfully, then the ransomware closes itself. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.